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Surah An Nas in English Translation with Explain

 Surah An Nas in English Translation with Explain Surah An-Nas (The People) is the 114th and final chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 6 verses. It is a Makki Surah and, along with Surah Al-Falaq , is known as one of the "Mu'awwidhat" (chapters of seeking refuge). Surah An-Nas seeks protection from the evil of external and internal forces, particularly from the whispers of Satan and harmful influences. It emphasizes the need for seeking Allah's protection in all aspects of life. Here is the English translation of Surah An-Nas , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, Explanation: This verse begins with the command to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to say that he seeks protection in Allah , the Lord of mankind . The verse emphasizes Allah's sovereignty over all of humanity and all of creation. Seeking refuge in Allah is a way of acknowledging His supreme authority and power. 2. ...

Surah Al Falaq in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Falaq in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Falaq (The Daybreak) is the 113th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 5 verses. It is a Makki Surah, and it is one of the two Surahs (along with Surah An-Naas ) known as the "Mu'awwidhat" (the chapters of seeking refuge), as they seek protection from harm. Surah Al-Falaq specifically seeks refuge from the evil of external and internal forces, including harmful practices and the darkness of the night. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Falaq , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak," Explanation: This verse begins with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) being instructed to say that he seeks protection in Allah, the Lord of the daybreak (or dawn). The reference to Al-Falaq (the daybreak) symbolizes the beginning of light, the removal of darkness, and a new start. Seeking refuge in Allah signifies asking for protection...

Surah Al Ikhlas in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Ikhlas in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Ikhlas (The Purity) is the 112th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 4 verses. It is a Makki Surah and is considered one of the most important chapters in the Qur'an because it defines the oneness and purity of Allah. It emphasizes the absolute monotheism of Islam and rejects any form of polytheism or association of partners with Allah. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Ikhlas , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Say, "He is Allah, [Who is] One, Explanation: This verse begins with a declaration of the absolute oneness of Allah. It is a direct command to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to declare to the people that Allah is One , indivisible, and without any partners. This verse emphasizes the core belief in Islam: that there is no god but Allah, and He alone is worthy of worship. 2. Allah, the Eternal Refuge. Explanation: Allah is described as Al-Samad here, which m...

Surah Al Masad in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Masad in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Masad (The Palm Fiber) is the 111th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 5 verses. It is a Makki Surah, and it condemns the behavior of Abu Lahab, an uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and his wife. Abu Lahab was a staunch opponent of Islam, and this Surah speaks of his fate in the Hereafter due to his rejection of the truth. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Masad , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he. Explanation: The Surah begins by condemning Abu Lahab, who was a fierce opponent of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Islam. The phrase "may the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined" is a way of cursing him, indicating that his efforts and actions will lead to his downfall. "Ruined is he" further emphasizes the complete and irreversible failure of his attempts to stop the message of Islam. 2. His w...

Surah An Nasr in English Translation with Explain

 Surah An Nasr in English Translation with Explain Surah An-Nasr (The Divine Support) is the 110th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 3 verses. It is a Madani Surah and was revealed toward the end of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) life. This Surah marks a moment of triumph for Islam and acknowledges Allah's support in granting victory to the believers. Here is the English translation of Surah An-Nasr , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest, Explanation: This verse refers to the victory granted by Allah to the believers, which can be understood as the conquest of Makkah (the Fath Makkah) that occurred in the 8th year of Hijrah. It signifies the triumph of Islam over its enemies and the establishment of Allah's truth on Earth. The verse emphasizes that this victory is from Allah alone, highlighting His sovereignty and power. 2. And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah ...

Surah Al Kafirun in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Kafirun in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers) is the 109th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 6 verses. It is a Makki Surah and addresses the concept of religious rejection and the clear distinction between the belief of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the disbelief of his opponents. The Surah is a declaration of the separation between Islam and polytheism or any other form of disbelief. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Kafirun , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Say, "O disbelievers," Explanation: The Surah begins with a direct address from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the disbelievers. The command to say this is given by Allah, making it a clear and bold declaration to those who reject the message of Islam. 2. "I do not worship what you worship," Explanation: The Prophet (peace be upon him) is instructed to declare that he does not worship the same g...

Surah Al Kawthar in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Kawthar in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Kawthar (The Abundance) is the 108th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 3 verses. It is a Makki Surah and is known for its brevity and profound meaning. Surah Al-Kawthar is a reminder of Allah's abundant blessings and a call to gratitude, prayer, and worship. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Kawthar , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Indeed, We have granted you, [O Muhammad], al-Kawthar. Explanation: This verse begins by affirming that Allah has granted the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the gift of al-Kawthar , which is often interpreted as a river in Paradise, abundant goodness, and blessings. It is a special and vast gift from Allah, indicating not just material abundance, but spiritual blessings, such as the Qur'an, the intercession of the Prophet, and the vast reward awaiting him and his followers. The word Kawthar itself means "abundance" or "a rive...

Surah Al Maun in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Maun in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Ma'un (The Small Kindnesses) is the 107th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 7 verses. It is a Makki Surah, and it focuses on the importance of performing acts of charity, kindness, and helping those in need. The Surah also warns against hypocrisy, highlighting the behaviors of those who neglect their social and religious duties, particularly in relation to helping others. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Ma'un , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense? Explanation: The Surah begins with a question asking about those who reject or deny the Day of Judgment (Recompense). The verse points to those who do not believe in accountability in the Hereafter, which often leads them to act in selfish and unjust ways. Denial of the afterlife is linked to a lack of compassion and responsibility toward others. 2. For that is the one who drives away th...

Surah Quraysh in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Quraysh in English Translation with Explain Surah Quraysh is the 106th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 4 verses. It is a Makki Surah, and it emphasizes the blessings Allah bestowed upon the tribe of Quraysh, who were the custodians of the Ka'bah in Makkah. The Surah calls the Quraysh people to worship Allah in gratitude for the favors He granted them, particularly the protection and provision they received. Here is the English translation of Surah Quraysh , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. For the accustomed security of the Quraysh, Explanation: This verse refers to the Quraysh tribe's established security and prosperity. They were able to live in safety and comfort due to the protection provided by Allah. The Quraysh were the guardians of the Ka'bah, which brought them prestige and economic benefit because many people from different regions traveled to Makkah for pilgrimage and trade. Allah is reminding them of this blessing, which th...

Surah Al Fil in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Fil in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Fil (The Elephant) is the 105th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 5 verses. It is a Makki Surah that recounts the historical event of the "Year of the Elephant" (circa 570 CE), when an army led by the Christian ruler Abraha attempted to destroy the Ka'bah in Makkah using elephants. The Surah illustrates Allah's power and protection of His sacred house and serves as a reminder of His ability to defeat even the mightiest of forces. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Fil , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Have you (O Muhammad) not seen how your Lord dealt with the Owners of the Elephant? Explanation: The Surah begins with a question directed at the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), asking if he is aware of how Allah dealt with the army that attempted to destroy the Ka'bah. This refers to the historical event of the "Army of the Elephant," in which a large a...

Surah Al Humazah in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Humazah in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) is the 104th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 9 verses. It is a Makki Surah that warns against the destructive consequences of backbiting, slander, and arrogance. The Surah vividly describes the punishment awaiting those who engage in malicious behavior and emphasizes the importance of humility and righteousness. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Humazah , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Woe to every scorner and mocker Explanation: This verse begins by condemning those who mock and ridicule others, particularly through slander and negative speech. "Scorners" and "mockers" are those who belittle others, either through direct insults or behind their backs, seeking to cause harm to others' reputations or dignity. 2. Who collect wealth and continuously count it. Explanation: The Surah describes individuals who obsessively gather wealt...

Surah Al Asr in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Asr in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Asr (The Declining Day) is the 103rd chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 3 verses. It is a short but profound Surah that highlights the importance of time and the essential qualities for success in this life and the Hereafter. The Surah emphasizes the value of faith, righteous deeds, patience, and the importance of spreading truth. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Asr , along with a brief explanation for each verse: 1. By time, Explanation: The Surah begins with an oath by time, which is a valuable and irreplaceable resource. The use of the word "time" (al-Asr) signifies the importance of time in human life and the passing nature of each moment. Allah swears by time to draw attention to its significance in human existence and the urgency of using it wisely. 2. Indeed, mankind is in loss, Explanation: This verse points to the reality that most people are in a state of loss. Despite the bless...

Surah At Takathur in English Translation with Explain

 Surah At Takathur in English Translation with Explain Surah At-Takathur (The Competition) is the 102nd chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 8 verses. It is a Makki Surah and addresses the human tendency to compete in the accumulation of material wealth and possessions, often leading to negligence of spiritual duties and the remembrance of Allah. The Surah warns against excessive attachment to worldly things and emphasizes the inevitability of the Hereafter. Here is the English translation of Surah At-Takathur , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. The rivalry [in worldliness] distracts you Explanation: The Surah begins by describing how people become distracted and engrossed in their competition for worldly possessions—such as wealth, status, and power. This rivalry takes up so much of their time and energy that they forget about their spiritual responsibilities and the Hereafter. 2. Until you visit the graveyards. Explanation: This verse highlights how peo...

Surah Al Qariah in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Qariah in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Qari'ah (The Striking Calamity) is the 101st chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 11 verses. It is a Makki Surah and describes the terrifying events of the Day of Judgment, focusing on the consequences of human deeds, particularly the final weighing of actions. The Surah begins with vivid imagery of a great calamity that will affect all of creation, reminding people of the inevitable reality of the Day of Judgment. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Qari'ah , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. The Striking Calamity Explanation: The Surah begins with the mention of Al-Qari'ah , a term which refers to a powerful and overwhelming calamity or disaster. It is used here to describe the Day of Judgment, which will be a tremendous and terrifying event. This sets the tone for the verses that follow, emphasizing the enormity of the forthcoming reckoning. 2. What is the Striking Calamity...

Surah Al Adiyat in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Adiyat in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Adiyat (The Courser) is the 100th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 11 verses. This Surah is a reminder of human ingratitude and the fleeting nature of material wealth, while highlighting the power and majesty of Allah. The Surah begins with a description of horses, and through this imagery, it leads to reflections on the Day of Judgment and the consequences of human actions. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Adiyat , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. I swear by the [horses] that run, panting, Explanation: This verse begins with an oath by the horses that gallop swiftly and energetically. The imagery is vivid, describing horses in full charge, breathing heavily as they race. This could be a metaphor for the speed and power with which people rush towards worldly desires, without paying heed to the greater realities of the afterlife. 2. And those that strike sparks of fire Explanation...

Surah Az Zalzalah in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Az Zalzalah in English Translation with Explain Surah Az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake) is the 99th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 8 verses. It was revealed in Madinah and discusses the events of the Day of Judgment, specifically describing the catastrophic earthquake that will shake the Earth when it is transformed and people are made to face the results of their deeds. Here is the English translation of Surah Az-Zalzalah , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. When the earth is shaken with its [final] earthquake Explanation: This verse refers to the massive earthquake that will occur at the end of the world, on the Day of Judgment. This event will be so powerful and transformative that the Earth itself will shake and be altered, symbolizing the beginning of the end of the world and the commencement of the final reckoning. 2. And the earth discharges its burdens Explanation: The Earth will release everything it has within it, such as all the actions ...

Surah Al Bayyinah in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Bayyinah in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Bayyina (The Clear Proof) is the 98th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 8 verses. It was revealed in Madinah and addresses the clear evidence of truth in the message of Islam. The Surah speaks about the necessity of clear proof for faith, the distinction between those who accept the message of Islam and those who reject it, and emphasizes the importance of sincere faith and righteous deeds. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Bayyina , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Those who disbelieve from the People of the Scripture and the polytheists did not depart [from their disbelief] until there came to them the Clear Proof. Explanation: This verse refers to the People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and the polytheists (idolaters), who remained in their disbelief until the arrival of the "Clear Proof." This clear proof refers to the message of Islam, brought by the Prophet ...

Surah Al Qadr in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Qadr in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Qadr (The Night of Decree) is the 97th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 5 verses. It is a short but powerful Surah that highlights the significance of Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Decree), which is a night of great blessing, mercy, and reward. This night is mentioned in the Qur'an as being better than a thousand months, a night when the Qur'an was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Surah emphasizes the importance of this night in terms of worship and devotion to Allah. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Qadr , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Indeed, We sent it [the Qur'an] down during the Night of Decree. Explanation: This verse affirms that the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during Laylat al-Qadr. This night holds great significance because it marked the beginning of the revelation, and it is a time when the Qur...

Surah Al Alaq in English Translation with Explain

 Surah Al Alaq in English Translation with Explain Surah Al-Alaq (The Clot) is the 96th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 19 verses. It was revealed in Makkah and is widely known for being the first Surah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Surah is named after "Alaq," which means "clot" or "a piece of coagulated blood," referring to a stage in the development of the human embryo, symbolizing the beginning of creation. Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Alaq , along with brief explanations for each verse: 1. Recite in the name of your Lord who created Explanation: The Surah begins by commanding the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to recite, emphasizing the importance of knowledge and communication with Allah. The recitation is to be done in the name of Allah, who is the Creator of everything. 2. Created man from a clot [of blood]. Explanation: This verse refers to the creation of human beings from a "...